Coinfest Asia 2024 (White Primary Brand - NavbarTop)
Coinfest Asia 2024 (Points B Flower Left)
Coinfest Asia 2024 (Points B Flower Right)
Pitching Sessions|Day 1 @ Coinfest Asia

Share your project

Share your project's vision & latest updates. Connect with prominent VCs and key players in Web3 Industry

Invited government agencies
Coinfest Asia 2024 (Pitching Sessions Partners)
Coinfest Asia 2024 (Pitching Sessions Partners)

Use cases

🏜 Land registration
🐟 Fishery
🌾 Agriculture
⚡ Energy
🌳 Forestry
🏭 Carbon Trading
🚚 Logistics
🪪 Single Identity
♻ Waste Management
💸 Financial Technology Innovation

Submit your project

Submission deadline: August 12th, 2024

Personal details

Project Details

The product name & one-liner explanation
Coinfest Asia 2024 (Background Footer Banner)

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